Very big week this week! JD took a road trip from Phoenix to Los Angeles to hang with Z. Highlights include the fact JD got stuck on Space Mountain at Disneyland; JD & Z sampled the Disney Food & Wine Festival, and perhaps, caused a bit of trouble. Then an exploration of Orange County, Los Angeles, Hollywood and up to Santa Clarita. Meanwhile, M got hit with another major winter storm up in Boston.
All our posts this week from Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, right here for you.
Our week’s worth of our recently posted photos on our social media, for your weekend inspiration to seek out travel, nature, and adventure. How are you going to make memories that you will talk about on Monday? There’s More to Life

Almost 10 years of friendship, lasting from living across the street from each other to 400 miles apart. Spent the night looking back at memories and creating new ones, over amazingly good BBQ and strong Hurricanes @lucilles_bbq