Now M is traveling to Macao dos Buzios, Brazil. South of the border must be the place to go this summer. after managing a home owner’s association Fourth of July Bicycle Parade and Boy Scout picnic in the morning, M hopped a plane with her oldest daughter to spend a week in Brazil, just off the coast of Rio De Janeiro (yeah, we hate her too). But she took us along with her in sharing these fabulous photos as she explored the coast of Brazil for a week, laughing, drinking and soaking up the sun. You deserve it, M, enjoy time away from all the kids, the job, the dogs, the cats, and the pet bunny. Sometimes “More To Life” is just letting your hair down and laying in the sun, with no worries. We love the candids of M that were taken by some friends on the boat, and instead of worrying about how you look in a swimsuit, you just worry if you put on enough sunscreen.